Project #2 - Final Project


The main portion of a student's grade in this course is the final group project. Students will organize into groups of three and choose to implement a project that is (1) relevant to the materials discussed in class, (2) requires a significant programming effort from all team members, and (3) unique (i.e., two groups may not choose the same project topic). The projects will vary in both scope and topic, but they must satisfy this criteria. We will discuss this more in depth during class, though students are encouraged to begin to think about projects that interest them early on. If a group is unable to come up with their own project idea, the instructor will provide suggestions on interesting topics.

Each project is comprised of four tasks that are due at different times during the semester:

  • Proposal Presentation: Each group will provide a proposal of their project topic and present it to the class.
  • Status Meeting: Each group will meet with the instructor to discuss their plans for the project update presentation.
  • Project Update Presentation: Each group will provide a brief update to the class about the current status of their project.
  • Project Design Document: Each group will write a design document that describes their project implementation.
  • Code Reviews: Each group is required to review the code of another group and provide feedback on correctness, coding style, and assumptions.
  • Final Presentation: Each group presents the (near) final version of their project.
  • Final Code Drop: Submit your completed project to Github along with documentation.

All projects must be implemented in CMU's yet-to-be-named DBMS DBMS. At a high-level, each project consists of three implementation tasks. The first is the actual implementation of the proposed idea in the DBMS. The second is the set of unit and regression tests that they will use to check whether their implementation is correct. The final piece is the evaluation of their implementation to determine how will the DBMS performs with it.

Each group must use a single Github repository for all development. Everyone will be provided with an account on the CMU Database Group test servers and additional Amazon AWS credits.

A project is not considered complete until the instructor has signed off on the submission.

  • Release Date: Feb 27, 2019
  • Due Date: May 14, 2019 @ 11:59pm

Proposal Presentation (Due Date: March 18th, 2019)

Each group will give a 5 minute presentation about their proposed project topic to the class. This proposal should contain the following information:

  • An overview of what work must be done and how it will be divided amongst the group.
  • A estimation on what files you will need to modify in the DBMS.
  • The tests that you will write to validate that your project is correct and the experiments that you will use to measure its performance.
  • The resources you will need to complete the project. This includes software, hardware, data sets, or workloads.

Your proposal should also provide three types of goals: 75% goals, 100% goals, and 125% goals. Think of these as the equivalent of a B grade, an A grade, and a "wow!" grade. The goals can be dependent or independent of the prior goals. Each group can meet individually with the instructor afterwards for additional discussion and clarification of the project idea.

Each group should email the instructor a PDF version of their proposal document and presentation before class.

Status Meeting (Due Date: April 1-2, 2019)

Each group will meet with the instructor in private and discuss the current status of the project. This will be a preview of the group's status update presentation in the subsequent class. Students should bring up any unexpected challenges or issues with their project implementation.

Project Update Presentation (Due Date: April 8th, 2019)

Each group will provide a brief update to the class half way through the project on the the current status of their implementation. The update presentation should contain the following information:

  • An overview of the development status of their project as related to the goals discussed in the initial proposal.
  • Any information about whether the groups' original plans have changed and an explanation as to why.
  • A measurement of the current code coverage of the tests for your implementation.
  • Color commentary about any surprises or unexpected issues that the group encountered during coding.

The goal of this exercise is to make sure that everyone in the class is aware of what the other groups are working on and how far along they are in the process. That way if one group has worked on part of the system that another group still needs to investigate, then they can talk to each other and share knowledge.

Project Design Document (Due Date: April 8th, 2019)

As part of the status update, each group must provide a design document that describes their project implementation. This document should contain the following information:

  • Overview: A description of the problem that you are trying to solve with your project. That is, what are the high-level goals of the code that you are adding to the DBMS.

  • Scope: Describe which parts of the system will this feature rely on or modify. For each new component that you are adding, describe where it "lives" in the DBMS's architecture and how it will interface/interact with other parts of the system.

  • Architectural Design: An in-depth overview of how you will implement your project. Explain the input and output of the component, describe interactions and breakdown the smaller components if any. You should also describe what (if any) configuration knobs your component will need.

  • Design Rationale: An explanation on why you chose the given design. Your justification should discuss issues related to (1) correctness, (2) performance, (3) engineering complexity / maintainability, and (4) testing. It should also include a brief discussion of the other implementations that you considered and why they were deemed inferior.

  • Testing Plan: A detailed description of how you are going to determine that your implementation is both (1) correct and (2) performant. You should describe the short unit tests and long running regression tests.

  • Trade-offs and Potential Problems: Describe any conscious trade-off you made in your implementation that could be problematic in the future, or any problems discovered during the design process that remain unaddressed (technical debts).

  • Future Work: List any future enhancements or optimizations to your project that you think are worth pursuing after the semester is over. You should provide a rough approximation of the difficulty in the implementation and the expected benefit in terms of either software engineering .

  • Glossary (Optional): List any new concepts or unintuitive/non-standard names that you have added to the system.

These design documents must be written Markdown using this template. This part of the project is meant to encourage each group to think through their implementation before they start making major changes to the DBMS. They will also serve as guides for future students in helping them understand what you did after you have left CMU and are potentially dead.

Each group should maintain their design document throughout the semester because you will need to provide an updated version for each code review and the final submission.

Code Reviews (Due Dates: Multiple)

Each group will be paired with two other groups and provide feedback on their code. The development group (i.e., the group that implemented the project) will provide the reviewing group with three things: (1) a pull request on Github with the core changes for their project, (2) a brief summary of what files/functions they want the reviewing group to examine, and (3) an up-to-date design document. The reviewing group will also need to post their pull request URL on the course spreadsheet.

Review #1

  • Pull Request Date: April 8th, 2019 @ 11:59pm
  • Review Date: April 15th, 2019 @ 11:59pm

Review #2

  • Pull Request Date: May 4th, 2019 @ 11:59pm
  • Review Date: May 11th, 2019 @ 11:59pm

The Pull Request Date due date is when the development group should provide the reviewing group their pull request. The Review Date is when the reviewing group must complete their review and provide feedback. The development group will then have until either the next Code Review due date (May 4th) or the Final Code Drop due date (May 11th) to update their project in response to the last code review.

The code reviews do not need to be all done exactly on the due date but they must be done by the due date. The groups are free to schedule with each other when they are ready for the review. The grading for this will be based on participation in terms of both providing a useful review to other students as well as incorporating the feedback into their implementation. The review will be completed on Github.

Each group should consider the following questions when examining the code:

General Questions

  • Does the code work?
  • Is all the code easily understood?
  • Is there any redundant or duplicate code?
  • Is the code as modular as possible?
  • Can any global variables be replaced?
  • Is there any commented out code?
  • Is it using proper debug log functions?

Documentation Questions

  • Do comments describe the intent of the code?
  • Are all functions commented?
  • Is any unusual behavior described?
  • Is the use of third-party libraries documented?
  • Is there any incomplete code?

Testing Questions

  • Do tests exist and are they comprehensive?
  • Are the tests actually testing the feature?
  • Are they relying on hardcoded answers?
  • What is the code coverage?

All team members are expected to participate in both of the code review. Groups are not allowed to split duties (i.e., one person does all of the first code review and then another does all of the second review).

Final Presentation (Due Date: May 6th, 2019 @ 8:30am)

During the scheduled final exam period for the course, each group will do 10 minute presentation on the final status of their project. This presentation should contain the following information:

  • A re-iteration of your proposed goals, with explicit discussion about what progress you have made to date on those goals
  • A discussion of how you tested the correctness of your implementation.
  • An assessment on the quality of your code. Feel free to discuss what parts of your implementation you felt are particularly strong and what parts would need more work to bring up to production-quality code.
  • Any benchmark results that the group collected to measure the performance of their implementation.
  • An outline of concrete tasks for future work to expand or improve your implementation.

Note that because the final exam is a week before the final code drop deadline, it is acceptable that the final version is not fully complete / tested.

Location: Gates-Hillman Center 4303

Final Code Drop (Due Date: May 14th, 2019 @ 11:59pm)

The final task is for each group to submit a pull request to the master branch of the DBMS. A project is not considered complete until all of the following requirements are satisfied:

  • The code can merge into the master branch without any conflicts.
  • All comments from code review are addressed.
  • The project includes test cases that correctly verify that implementation is correct.
  • The group provides documentation in both the source code and in separate Markdown files.

Each group will be assigned a random position in the merge train. They will need to merge their code into the latest version of master branch (i.e., they will need to be able to merge their code into a version of the branch that includes updates from the previous group).

External Code & Libraries

Before a group can use a third-party source code or libraries for their project implementation, they must first get approval from the instructor. Our DBMS has specific protocols for including the source code of external projects and libraries that the group must follow in their implementation.

In general, a group is only allowed to incorporate external source code into the DBMS's code base if (1) it is not provided as a Debian package and (2) it is Apache Software License compatible (e.g., BSD, MIT license). GPL code is not allowed.

Collaboration Policy

  • Everyone has to work in a team of three people for this assignment.
  • Groups are allowed to and strongly encouraged discuss the details about the project with others.

WARNING: All of the code for the core portion of your project must be your own. You may not copy source code from other sources that you find on the web. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. See CMU's Policy on Academic Integrity for additional information.